From the view of the investors Bulgaria is also recommended for tax reasons - there is a single tax rate for personal income and corporate income tax of 10%. By relocation of the business activity or through company formation in Bulgaria foreign investors can avoid far higher tax rates in their home countries. This is especially advantageous if they intend to be present in the region in the long term.
The highly qualified lawyers working for law firm Ruskov & Colleagues advise you and support your personal and business activities in Bulgaria and other European countries regarding all tax issues. This includes income from deliveries of goods, capital expenditures, dividends, inheritance, labor services, agricultural activity, utilization, purchase, exchange or other form of transfer of real estate, incomes from payments by foreign natural persons or other specified by law sources of income. We observe and consult you on the EU tax directives and regulations, and international tax treaties such as the double taxation agreements.
Regarding investments projects we advise you prior to the project initiation on the low priced options from a tax point of view for your type of business activity.
Our services in the field of tax law are:
- Tax registration of your company in Bulgaria
- Consultations on tax issues in all areas of tax law - corporate income tax, sales tax, withholding tax, property tax, inheritance tax, taxation of costs, government taxes and fees, etc.
- Business optimization from tax perspective based on the Bulgarian, German and European tax law
- Consulting services concerning the application of the double taxation agreements between Bulgaria and other European States
- Consulting services in connection with tax assessments and their appeal
- Legal representation in tax matters
- Current accounting and tax services in Bulgaria
- Monthly sales tax report
In Bulgaria we assist our clients in the areas of tax law and accounting services through the tax accounting office Germania OOD.