Following the introduction of a number of reliefs related to the free movement of people within the European Union, more foreigners became interested in operating in Bulgaria. Therefore, this article will examine how foreign individuals from the EU could registered in Bulgaria as self-employed and practice a freelance profession.
1) The first step is completing an address registration in the office for the administrative control of foreigners - Directorate "Migration" at the Ministry of Interior Affairs.
The individual or legal person who provides shelter to a foreigner must, within 5 days, notify in writing the office for administrative control of foreigners or a local police department of the Ministry of Interior Affairs stating information about the person: name, date of birth, number and series of their ID document. The person must personally or through their authorised representative present a travel document and complete an address card in duplicate.
2) The next step is issuing a residence permit in the country for a period of up to 5 years.
The EU citizen must file in person or by proxy, with a notarised power of attorney, an application to the territorial service for administrative control of foreigners - "Migration" Directorate at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In order to issue a residence permit, the national travelling document of the foreign individual must be valid for no less than 6 months from the date of application.
All documents in a foreign language presented by the person must be translated and legalized as determined by the Council of Ministers.
Required documents:
- Application for a residence permit;
- Proof of payment of state tax;
- Copy of the cross-border travel document;
- Proof of secured housing in the country (lease agreement).
- Compulsory medical insurance valid for the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria (European health insurance card).
- Evidence of sufficient means of subsistence in an amount not less than the minimum wage.
3) Registration at the Registry Agency in the BULSTAT register, in order to obtain a unique code, which for individuals is the PIN or in the case of foreign nationals - PFN. Registration may be done in person or by an authorized representative.
The necessary documents are as follows:
- Proof of identity - identity card or passport;
- Diplomas or certificates for completed education - original and copy, together with translation and legalisation if issued by foreign accredited institutions;
- Document for paid registration fee;
- Completed registration form.
BULSTAT is an electronic register and the documents may be submitted online.
4) The last step is the registration in the Territorial Directorate of the NRA of residence, in order for the person to declare that they are going to be self-employed as a freelancer. Required documents:
- Identity document
- Document for registration in BULSTAT
- Declaration of registration as a self-employed person. In completing the declaration, the person has a choice between:
a) insurance: all social risks for pension and health insurance
b) all social risks besides the Fund "Sick pay and Maternity" , amounting to 3.5%.
Registration with the NRA may be performed online using an electronic signature – the applicant’s personal one or that of an authorised representative.
Information on the taxation of self-employed persons can be found in part I, paragraph 2 of the following article published on our website: Advance payments on income tax.